Restoring Our Republic One County at a Time
We The People ourselves, need to curb and arrest corruption in school districts, city and county operations, state palaces, and in the most corrupt city-state in history, Washington, DC..
As the collective sovereign in our republic, it’s our authority and our duty!
Only one full-spectrum, lawful, peaceful, coast-to-coast organization exists for that very purpose: the proudly Christian organization called Tactical Civics™. With over 1,630 county chapters in all 50 states, it launched after almost 80,000 hours of R&D, to bring our servants in government back under the control of We The People. Our mission is clear: to glorify our High King Jesus, who is the Christ, by enforcing our constitution and restoring the most sublime rule of law the world has ever known.
Tactical Civics™
Tactical Civics™ is a consciously Christian citizen action organization committed to glorifying Jesus Christ and enforcing the Constitution. With 8,500 members in 1650 counties in every state, We The People are finally stepping forward to learn and implement enforcement of the magnificent Law our Founding Fathers left us. And unlike politics, Tactical Civics™ needs only half of 1% of We The People to take action.